Aviation insurance business

Posted by Sholkan Achmad Sunday, November 21, 2010

JAKARTA (Bisnis.com): aviation insurance business (aviation) in the country is assessed as not yet fully explored because of lack of understanding of actors terhadapan insurance broker risk coverage in the sector.
Director of PT Asrinda Arthasanga (Asrinda RE Brokers) Tavip Gamalsyah said it was assessing the lack of insurance players in the airline business is because the coverage is very complex objects that require specialized knowledge related to the conditions and risks.
In addition, the lack of capacity in the country urged the insurance brokerage firm to transfer the risk premium on foreign brokerage firms such as Lloyd's of London.
"Apart from lack of knowledge, risk coverage capacity of domestic insurance companies are also very limited so that the premiums largely run out of the country," he told Bisnis.com, today.
Meanwhile, the business potential in the aviation sector in Indonesia is very large in line with business growth paskapai local flight, currently at about five airlines.
Tavip explain the current insurance players who entered the aviation insurance coverage is very minimal, to a large category only PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia, which cover the company's state-owned airlines such as Garuda Indonesia Airlines and Merpati Airlines.
"Because of limited capacity and understanding of aviation insurance, the players in this business very little. To a large category only Jasindo, whereas only a small risk sharing," he said. (Fh)

Insurance business is more profitable

Posted by Sholkan Achmad

Insurance business is currently gathering popularity. Society seems to have started to understand the importance of insurance in their lives. The importance of insurance more visible when a person is overwritten calamity, such as social unrest or a flood that occurred some time. How was the development of insurance business in Indonesia today? So what the insurance company's efforts to win the competition in getting the customer? To answer all that, journalists SH, Muhammad Nuzulian and Khomarul Hidayat, degrading statements about the development of national insurance in the three posts on this page.
JAKARTA - The accident did not want every person. But who can resist if disasters such as floods that hit Jakarta some time ago in unexpectedly appeared in front of the eye. Unaccounted losses that must be borne by society due to the disaster.So be grateful, if you happen to take out, do not bother looking for money for such repair damaged homes or cars that crashed due to the flood hit. Simply submit claims to insurance companies, you will receive compensation.At first glance, people think the insurance business will suffer a setback due to having to pay a claim, perhaps in an amount not less, from its customers. But what happened instead, the interests of the insurance actually increased.In a situation full of country risk and political climate heats plus the natural disasters of floods in Jakarta and a number of homeland territory, to make people or businesses begin to look to insurance as an alternative option to reduce the losses from the risks that might face in the future.Of course this is an opportunity for the insurance business to attract new customers. Economic situation has not improved, apparently did not significantly affect the interests of insurance follow, which is important to redress if something unexpected happens in the future.Bak tit for tat, the insurance company did not want to just wait for prospective customers to come. They are also more proactive and industrious offer its products. But the true interest of people in the higher suransi?Star General Insurance Director, Djunaidi Mahari said, there is an increase of new customers, although not too significant that go into business after the flood disaster in Jakarta. This increase is a sign (signal) is positive for the insurance business, because it started there is awareness of the community about the importance of insurance."Flood disaster yesterday, this has positive implications on the interest of people to get insurance. There are after seeing other people get compensation from insurance companies, then became interested take insurance, "said Djunaidi.
New CustomerSimilar delivered PR PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Jasindo), Puji Astuti Dewi stating, post-flood definite influence on the increase of new customers or old customers to extend at least another insurance policy.But actually, according to Goddard, the public interest to insurance already has increased since the 1998 riots tragedy ago. "The increase in new customers is certainly there, not since the flood but has since there is a riot a few years ago," he said.Seeing the conditions above, many insurance companies are optimistic that the insurance business is still very promising in the future. Despite increasingly tight competition, but the potential to grow too big.This is evident from the premium income from both the insurance companies who have increased each year.PT Jasindo for example, earned premiums amounted to USD 618 billion in 2000, a year later increased to Rp 1.4 trillion.While Star General Insurance, as said Djunaidi Mahari, in the period from January to March 2002 alone, the premium income has increased to 24 percent over the same period the previous year.Facing intense competition, said Djunaidi, insurance companies must strengthen the quality of their products to compete with products from other companies.Therefore, in addition to Star General Insurance has a conventional product, also has a superior product.This superior product that became the spearhead to attract new customers. Featured Products Star General Insurance is PERISAY which is a special product for retail. It consists of PERISAY PERISAY home and its contents, car and PERISAY PERISAY health.Similarly, PT Jasindo who had been working on land corporation exists, in the past two years also start reaching the retail market, of course with its own excellent products. "Even at 2001 retail products from PT Jasindo has produced a premium of Rp 127 billion," said Puji Astuti Dewi.
Flood ClaimsFlooding for a number of insurance companies not only bring opportunities to attract new customers, but it also must spend money to pay customer claims.Djunaidi said that, despite claims that enter in large numbers, but not to interfere with his insurance company's cash flow. Because, at the same time offset by an increase in customer numbers and increase in premium income.In Star General Insurance, said Djunaidi, the total claims due to the incoming flood to March 2002 reached Rp 28 billion, about 60 percent of claims come from corporate customers, the remaining customers to lower middle."Of that amount, to be borne by us amounting to Rp 3.3 billion, the remaining mortgage insurance," he explained.Meanwhile, the Goddess of Puji Astuti of PT Jasindo said the customer claims that enter into PT Jasindo as a result of the floods reached about USD 70 billion, and it did not disrupt company cash flow, given in previous years premiums earned PT Jasindo somewhat large ."That new claims came in and has not done the research, because every insurance claim must be investigated first whether the numbers match or not," said Goddard.
Still PromisingAlthough the economy has not recovered, the insurance businesses remain optimistic about the insurance industry will flourish. The entry of foreign investors can not be viewed lightly.But as they say Djunaidi Mahari, local investors are ready to compete let alone who knows exactly the insurance market in Indonesia is that local investors.Djunaidi not dodge, that the macroeconomic conditions that have not been stabilized to some extent will affect the insurance business. If the banks do not give new loans or extend credit to the real sector, the growth of insurance business will also be affected."For if the real sector work, the need for insurance also increases. But now it seems the banks have started lending. This impact is good for our business, "he added. (*)

Insurance Busines Retail Shutter Clients

Posted by Sholkan Achmad

Actors insurance business will aggressively target the retail market as well as small and medium businesses affected due to the global crisis. The crisis led to the growth of insurance premiums down compared to previous years.
Branch Head of PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia Semarang Branch Nainggolan Wismar, in the city, on Monday (15 / 6), said the company's gross premium income of the period from January to May 2009 stood at Rp 21 billion or an insurance premium growth of 19 percent. This amount is lower than premium growth over the same period the previous year which reached 50 percent. The global crisis influence on the decline, especially from corporate customers. "This is because the disruption of exports and slowing investment," Wismar said.
Corporate customers Allianz Utama Semarang branch down from the usual 20-30 percent to 4-5 percent. As for retail clients and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) dropped from 30 percent to 15 percent.
For that, Wismar revealed will target customers from the retail sector and the SMEs that considered the potential for future growth to achieve revenue target of Rp 70 billion. "We hope that the insurance premium growth in the second half of 2009 was returned to 50 percent," he said.
Of the total income of Allianz Utama Semarang Branch, corporate customers contributed by Rp 14.3 billion, USD 4.5 billion retail customers and SME customers Rp 2.4 billion. In terms of distribution channels, the premium of the institution to reach USD 11.7 billion, USD 8.6 billion agency, and transaction direct premiums of Rp 869 million.
Chairman of the Indonesian General Insurance Branch Semarang Rezha Syaifullah said the global crisis, 55 companies insurance premium growth in the city of Semarang in 2009 was estimated at just under 10 percent or lower than in 2007 which reached 13.59 percent.
Therefore, rational if an insurance business transfer target market to retail and SME sector due to the level of risk is spread more evenly. "With the unstable economic conditions like now, getting from retail customers is far more secure than the corporation," said Rezha.
To reach retail customers, Rezha said, the company needs to expand insurance agent to socialize to the public. "Because there are still many people who do not understand the importance of insurance, it is necessary to pick the ball mechanism," he said.
In addition, Rezha also predicted an increase in filing insurance claims during 2009 was from customers who are affected economic conditions.

Let's Play Stock .......!

Posted by Sholkan Achmad

Perhaps it is time we encouraged people to move their money and diencourage ngendon originally under the pillow to be invested in order to further stimulate our economy. Moreover, many informal business sector rife lately, at least show that in society there is flow velocity of money is not exactly small.
Stock is one financial product. We know the financial markets that are divided into capital markets and money markets. Shares including capital markets products which are evidence our ownership of the company that issued the stock certificates. Shares have intrinsic value and actual value. To transact shares also have their own rules. But the description of it I will not describe here because there were many writings that discuss it.
Playing stock, as well as other investment vehicles or as well run a business, there are tips and tricks that can be learned. Most stocks are considered only as a financial instrument being studied and understood only left-brain thinking. In fact, the main essence is not to be there.
And, here are some tips and tricks that you might be able to read and maybe your own practice:

* Treat the stock as a "human", not be understood solely "by the book" only. See also the people who manage it, the player behind it (the market maker, player, follower) and the characteristic of each, and then go into the analysis and the tools used.
* Do not fully trust the financial data, let alone that have not been audited and / or have not passed by the Bapepam. Indonesia is one example of emerging markets, and the main characteristics of a market like this is the data that are often unreliable. So, it could still be conservative and cautious.
* There is a good idea to start by collecting blue chip stocks are down right issue price because of sentiment. No matter, in the not too long, usually immediately corrected and the price crept up. Return blue chip stocks is usually average, but decent enough to hold in the long term.
* You also can follow the action undertaken by the airport. Play a little with fried stock. Typically, these stocks are not too many of its circulation so easy dikatrol and mocked the price. Features, stock transaction volume is quite large and its value decreased but then slowly rises. Again, be careful because a trend can be turned around quickly and use only if there is excess money.
* Discipline. Set the upper and lower bounds. For example, 33% above and below 5%. Obey the rules and do not ever follow your passion and emotion. If you dare to take risks, it's okay without a cut loss, unless 1) you use margin, 2) stock prices are relatively high, and 3) when you log in, price or reverse the trend.
* Diligent and wrestled seriously. Perform portfolio analysis and review periodically. I recommend to hold no more than 9 types of stock only. Focus on a maximum of 3 stocks and hold stocks for 1-2 retained for one year. Human capacity is limited, so well do not be too greedy.
* Studying the global economic fundamentals and certain issuers are a must. Better yet, if you always follow the national news and observe their correlation with movements in the stock.
* Check out the unique characteristics of the stock. For example, there is usually a tendency of increase around April-May in anticipation of the publication of financial reports and the distribution of dividends (sell). Instead, in September-October as now, generally downward trend since deserted, there is no news and activities (buy). While at the end of the year there is a tendency to rise, in anticipation of window dressings and welcome january effect (sell). In February-March, usually occurs post-correction window dressings and january effect (buy). And so on.
* Brokers are also human. Invite them to lunch and make friendship. Just do it with sincerity. Do not ever expect you'll get insider information from here. In addition to unethical, it also violated the law (illegal).
* Please guidance above. Believe that many variables that influence but are beyond our control. That's where the role of the hand of God in power. And when you get a gain, do not forget to donate some of what you receive and still be humble. Large investors that I know the average person a very low profile, simple, and not like a lot of talk.
* Finally, there are interesting quote that I took from one of the book, unfortunately I forgot who the author. It reads, if not wrong, 'You have to trade what you see, not what you think. And only a detached and unemotional state of minds allows us to make our decisions objectively. "See?
Information, analysis / strategy, mental and emotional attitude, and luck, remains a major factor that support your success. The first three factors you can learn, but the latter is only one factor you can get to close to the one above.

Hotel Business flare to enjoy doing

Posted by Sholkan Achmad

Hotel business are now not only growing in big cities - in the provincial capital, but also began to creep into the capital district want any new tourism area. Business is indeed quite menjanjikan.Data room at PHRI (Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association) North Sumatra noted, until the end of 2008, at least 6,000 units have been available around the hotel room of about 50 of hotels. Although that number is so big, but it's North Sumatra still need more star hotel rooms, the addition of about 2,000 more rooms.
Hotel Service Specification
Once the large number of hotels, of course the level of competition among hotels is also quite high. But for a number of hotel entrepreneurs, the condition does not become a big concern, as long as its market share is still available.
However, hotel managers, must be very clever use of existing markets by providing special images and special services as well. Madani Hotel Medan, for example - this hotel offers the image as an Islamic hotel. Islamic concept of hospitality among the people considered it would be difficult to grow, it is precisely a leading Hotel Madani who was even able to sell almost all of Main kamarnya.Direktur Madani Hotel, Deby Masri, said the number of hotel rooms available at this time reached 174 rooms, and that number still not able to meet the market. For that Madani plans to expand his hotel by opening a second hotel in Medan Madani.
According to the Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) North Sumatra, Alimuddin Sidabalok, the number of tourist visits to this area in January 2009, up 26.16 percent compared to January 2008 or to about 12 703 people. The tourists are entering through the entrance of Medan's Polonia Airport, coming from Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Germany, Australia, Taiwan and the UK.
Seeing the number of foreign tourists visit this, of course, the hotel business will grow more and more fine


Posted by Sholkan Achmad

I consider online business is a fun business with a little hard work you can run an online business! Is needed in running an online business is a smart idea / tricks, here you will be guided on how to properly run an online business for beginners but most have felt bored before it develops further in the field of online business .. there are steps you should do in running an online business at least you should be able to create your own blog and find the main idea of mind to increase the amount of visitor traffic on your blog ..!
you try to visit the site http://google.co.id then locate your blog title that will make there you will find out how many rivals for the title of your blog, if you can make the title of the blog that is not too much of his rival, only then you can make web to promote your ad, it took serious effort and focus on running a business online, there are some keys to running an online business! first you have to focus on your goal, then you are diligent to seek knowledge about online business on the internet you have a lot to learn that the three you have to practice too often you have to be independent in the sense that you run a business which does not depend on others.
if your business is already running but no result is possible that there is one thing that you have not carried out, in running an online business we have to be patient and diligent (not easily give up), In running any business you must be a focus and not easily bored with your goals. If you lack focus (quitter) in running a business you could not have any success, to run an online business on the internet your idea must often in practice,
if there is an idea but not in practice then it will be hard to do business online business online.di we must be clever clever pour sentence for your blog so interesting to read, your goal should be focused and not easily give up, you should consider difficulty is just a test in conducting business online, the exam can also mean a challenge that ultimately we have to find a solution! When we learn a lot on the internet then we will get a lot of knowledge and insight, the income you get from an online business is not affordable for small and large income you it all depends on your efforts in running a business online, remember the first time you have to do is define the idea in mind to make your blog title,
it means before you start an online business you should try to find out what is appropriate for your article on your blog and then make your pick out also how many of your competitors in google sites, where you will find other websites sequence comparison then try to compare between the website sequence beginning and end, then look for a solution why the website could appear in front of the search engine order, after you compare then you learn it until you really understand, before I know the tricks of running an online business I have been trying to seek knowledge and ideas to running an online business but not as easy as what I imagined. and eventually the idea to run an online business I got from my own self, so you do not dream to easily get the tricks in conducting business online without any effort and willpower, you might ask why not everyone is willing to give easily know how to run an online business in Internet! answer because they realize how hard it knows the trick to running a business online, whether they painstakingly got the idea that easy then they give you know? Indeed there is still but a thousand one you find something like that,
only to find out ways of doing business online I had to sacrifice my money to people I do not know but clever in running an online business on the internet, but still, I do not get satisfactory results, their ideas are not easily spread disseminated to everyone for free , of course, by reading an article about this online business you have little understanding how to run an online business with good, not from the sentence that you must understand, I am very optimistic at all in running an online business! me tell you just about my experience in online business first first I know the online business from my sister alone, initially I was not sure if my brother can do business online, with alternation of time for more or less three months I just realize that online business is really obvious after I received the first check my older sister of U.S. $ 409.53 I was just shocked and amazed surprise, it turns out I just realized it's true that there is an online business and the real truth! be honest at that time I became jealous seeing my brother get a check for it, I finally followed my brother to run a business online!! was not as easy as running an online business like the back of your hand, of course, my own experience difficulties, many ways I look on the internet about a smart idea in running an online business but resulting in that I live less than satisfactory,
as hard to find tricks in running an online business then I tried to ask my brother to the trick, what result ..????!!! my sister just gave the answer to make one kind of articles on the web you kak .. that's all my responsibility,! !! answered again "ga only that way the rest of the way you pick out yourself on the internet. HahhHAHAha me laugh and think less satisfied with the answer from my brother about the tricks of doing business online, I sie not blame my brother for not giving know how to run a business online, it's just my brother wanted me so that I would try to obtain satisfactory results, as well as you.! idea thought of doing business online is not cheap .. or not worth the money to redeem a smart idea. my previous felt that I was a loser in my family because I was unemployed, leave college because there is no cost, in job layoffs because there are no pants to work everyday,, Hehehehe sure you will laugh reading my story and you will be asked KOK CAN YA .. .!!!!! begins with my family situation that is difficult with the economy makes me rarely have lunch money every day, I always envied my sister who get jobs, earn money in online business is all making me hot and forced me to successfully run a business online, plus more treatments my mother who always defend my brother, I got to thinking maybe because my sister so she produces more in value ..
certainly not because my mother is a tough mother who brave the run test that gives her life a living her children until their children become child who is always trying to achieve success, besides the thing that makes me motivated to run an online business is that I want to prove told my friends that online business is true, first initial of my friends sich so not interested at all with an online business, he has tasted the online business with online ranter said although he did not like it but he acted as if like that,,, Ha3x on finally he also believes that online business is true,
I infokan course of business while it is lawful not hurt you to try it and if the effort failed or unsuccessful you already have the chance to become a successful businessman because not everyone is successful in running their business, everyone must have experienced failure like me ya ..!!! who always gagal.dari MLM business I've tried about about 7 types of MLM I have ever lived, but all to no avail. but here we are not related to MLM, but other online businesses that will be discussed, the online business too many times I've failed but the basic sayannya are determined to succeed, the result is quite satisfactory Hehehehe ..!!!! just info only this time I already generate approximately U.S. $ 1000 per month from businesses and jeripayah in online business, I tell all this to trigger your enthusiasm in running a business online, so I want to friend my friends who read my articles can be successful in running online business, you certainly will feel that the importance of money when you need it but you do not have money, when you are sick or your parents are ill but do not have money, you are never to feel that you yourself are not useful to yourself or to someone Other? unconscious you to earn more from now on, by running your online business will be my guide until you can own to run a business online, this article may seem too strings attached.? Yes maybe you think so, but if you read it many times definitely you will find their own way to run an online business, online business make me become more enthusiastic in performing live .. in my online business can prove to my parents and friends of my friends that I was also able to earn income on the internet, not hurt you feel yourself your a loser because you feel so then is triggered to prove yourself is not a loser, let's start now encouraging you to change your life more meaningful for yourself, for your parents, brother and sister make your Sodara, in running an online business embroidery is in need you should also independently in other words, do not rely on anyone else but from your own effort to try to develop yourself, I dhea want to prove to everyone that I am not a loser, especially to my mother that I too can earn like my sister , online business is tremendous business with earnings that are not infinite and it is not impossible if someone earned $ 500 in a day you can also include, Ehmmmmmmm ..!!! Enchanting is not it, now I want to guide you in obtaining revenue through online business, in online business also made me aware about the real business and a range of product offerings, really big advantage in the online business! online business that I've coached to you is an online business that is 100% FREE are not at any cost demand online business is pure business anda.mengapa I want to help you to succeed in online business? No other because I want to make friends through the internet and I want to my friends can be successful in business online, there's enough this time my friends follow me and they love to do business online because the online business they can earn more than his father's salary .. !! Hahahahaha funny is not it, Come awaken your spirit of doing business online because I am sure you are able to run this online business, why am I so confident that you are able to run this online business, because online business is not in the collection free of charge and in business This online you will get as many friends as possible .. congratulations fight for you wish you success in running this online business.

Network Marketing Home Business

Posted by Sholkan Achmad Saturday, November 20, 2010

 Many people that think operating a business from home is glamorous, exciting, and filled with freedoms that you can never experience if you work for someone else. Without the obligations that come from reporting to an employer everyday and they then think the money is easily acquired. This article will look at both the positives and negatives of owning a home-based business.

An important part of working from home is letting others know you have a business and this is done through networking. Network marketing is not always easy for everyone. There are individuals who are very natural at talking with others and find it quite easy to be in a room full of strangers and talk about what they have to offer. Then there are those terrified of the idea of network marketing and would prefer to stay home and pay someone else to do this portion of the business for them. Network marketing does not have to be a horrible experience for you and you do not have to have a panic attack at the thought of attending one. When you prepare for network marketing and do not go in with your eyes closed, you will find that it will make an enormous difference in the productivity of your business. Network marketing can be beneficial in building a plethora of resources and contacts that you can have at your fingertips to propel your business forward. <

Decide in advance how many people you want to talk to and do just that. If it is your first time, you may only want to talk to three people. Although once you are there, you will probably find yourself relaxing and notice that you came home with more than three contacts. Do not forget the business cards of the people you meet. In the excitement, you may forget their names. It is a good idea to jot down some relevant information on the back of the card to help you remember why or why not you like that particular contact.

In order for your home business to be successful, you have to make your presence known. You can do this through advertising and word-of-mouth. However, staying inside your protective home and never letting anyone know whom you are will not generate many clients or bring an increase in your profits. Go out, have coffee, and talk to others about your services. Walk into businesses that you think will profit from your services and let them know what you have to offer. If you have children in school, you can offer your services to the PTA or other groups that your child may be involved. Do not discount your sphere of influences because it is from this circle that your business will grow.

The Ultimate Recipe to Make Money Online

Posted by Sholkan Achmad

The article should contain good useful information. It should be of interest to the reader. A boring article could possibly brand your site as boring also. Although, someone might find it useful if they're having trouble sleeping. You might want to write about your tips and techniques and turn them into a series of articles for the newcomers that are starting out in this business.

An article that solves someone's particular problem or answers their questions is a good article. You will be amazed at the number of people that will read an informative and interesting article.

Whatever it is you choose to write about, you will be starting from the headline; it should catch the people's attention. It must make them read the next paragraph with eagerness to learn more. The title of your article can more or less determine the success of your articles exposure.

Your chosen article topic must match the contents or theme of your website. If your expertise is about banner marketing and your website reflects this, then writing your article about the pros and cons of banner advertising or creation could be a good option.

You article introduction should be powerful continuing from the headline. It must be compelling enough to keep the reader wanting more.

The content must be interesting and informative. It must contain what the headline and introduction promises. If the content is written with the intention to help the reader solve their problem or answer their questions, then your reader will appreciate your information and continue reading to the end and hopefully clicking on your link for more satisfying advice. At this point the reader already likes your work and the chances of him or her buying your product has been fused with trust. 

As mentioned earlier the placement of your keywords is paramount to the success of your article reaching its target market. The keyword/s should exist in the headline of your article, in the introduction, and in the main body. They should not interfere with the flow of you message and they should look like they belong there. Your keyword density probably shouldn't exceed 3% in your article. This would simply mean 3 keywords for every hundred words.

Your article might be seen by thousands of potential customers, so it is important that you include a brief description of yourself or your product along with your name and website URL on the bottom. Your little ad here should entice the reader to visit the link.

I have a feeling this month’s BrandingWire project is going to be popular for many marketing bloggers. I’m hoping it elicits some strong opinions! Our project is to tackle how a small B2B marketing consulting firm should brand and market themselves. I know many bloggers who participate in the marketing blog community and many of them own or work for B2B marketing consulting firms. From branding to search engine marketing, the type of marketing consulting varies but the goals remain the same.

A side note - you’re going to get a different perspective from me. I happen to be on the client side BUT, have some strong opinions on how a marketing consulting firm should go about getting my business.
On occasion over the last few years, I’ve interviewed some local B2B marketing consulting firms to help us with various problems or improvements we’ve wanted to make. Rarely do the engagements go past the first meeting. Maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m expecting too much, but when my small budget is on the line I better have confidence that they can perform the task at hand better than me.

Here is how I believe a marketing firm should market and brand themselves.
Stick With Who You Are: Marketing has evolved so much over the last few years that the amount of marketing functions is hard to track. There is branding, email marketing, SEM/SEO, web design, blogging, paid search, etc. We had considered outsourcing our SEO and had interviewed many consultants. I would ask each firm on the phone if they had SEO professionals in house and each would say yes. When they arrived for a meeting it was obvious the company’s web designer was now an SEO professional or they would say they’re “partnering” with another firm on this project. Well, I know a bit more than your average person about SEO so it was easy to see that they really didn’t understand the trade. I think you need to brand and market to your skills and not pretend you’re something you’re not.

Speak Out: If you’re primarily a local consulting firm, than I think you should be working at getting speaking engagements and local or national industry events. Being seen as a speaker promotes yourself as an expert and therefore shines positively upon your consulting practice.

Be That Company People Have Heard About
: Getting involved in local chamber events and doing the networking side of the business is a must. I believe alot of customer engagements start with meeting potential customers or people that can point you towards those customers at local networking events.

Be Heard: I’ll be honest, the top two or three consultants we had in were people who had blogs that I read or podcasts to which I listened. I felt like I had the chance to get to know them and learn that they were experts in their field before we even met.

Be Search-able: Whatever you do online - whether that is a website, blog, podcast, etc. - make sure you’ve optimized for local search. The first thing I did was go to Google and look for Minneapolis consultants. If I couldn’t find you online, I was going to have a tough time finding you.

Be Prepared: As a buyer of consulting services, I can tell you that I need to know about your company and with whom you’ve done business. In our first meeting I’d like to know how big or small you are, what areas of expertise you have in house, and examples of projects you’ve recently done.

How Will We Work Together?
: This might not be a popular opinion, but I think alot of branding happens as you present yourself to a prospect. I think companies can set themselves apart by how well they present their processes. Too many companies have walked into my office and left me wondering how we were going to work together. Professional presentations and outlines of how you typically go about working with customers goes a long way.

Price Wisely: I’m not the type of buyer that always jumps at the lowest price. In fact, I think the lowest bidder usually gets tossed out of consideration. How you price your services says alot about how you perceive the work you will do.

If I stepped out today and turned the Lonely Marketer into a marketing consulting firm, these are the elements on which I would focus when developing my branding and marketing strategy. Marketing consultants are in a competitive field and each step in the vendor/customer relationship is crucial.

Are you in the process of starting your own online business? If so, there is a good chance that you have heard of branding before. Most new business owners are told to create a brand for themselves. Of course, you will want to create a brand for yourself, namely an online brand for your online business, but do you know how you can go about doing so? Better yet, do you know what a brand is?
When it comes to online branding, you will find that there are a number of different meanings. Despite the varied meanings, you will find that each is related, in someway or another. For example, there are many individuals who associate a brand with a logo. If you are about to start your own business, you will need to have a logo for your business. That logo may be related to your business name or the type of business that you run; the decision is yours to make. Although branding is often associated with a logo, there is more to branding. In addition to a logo, you will also find that branding is used to describe the way that your company is viewed, often by your past customers or the general public. Essentially, a brand can help to determine whether your business is a success or a failure.
Although it may seem relatively easy to create a brand for your company, by ensuring that your customers to get the best services possible, as well as by creating an attractive, eye catching logo, you may want to think about seeking assistance from a professional. As previously mentioned, branding can help to determine whether or not your business turns out to be a successful, profitable one. That is why it is may be a good idea to seek professional assistance. By seeking advice, suggestions, or tips from a professional, often for a reasonable price, you will likely find that better results are produced. In the world of online businesses, better results are essential to the development of a successful brand.
When it comes to seeking assistance, when looking to develop an online brand, you will find that you have a number of different options. One of those options is to hire a professional to do all of the work for you. This includes developing yourself a logo and maybe even changing the name of your company, if your business has yet to officially open up to the public. When seeking this type of assistance, you will find that there is little work involved, on your part. The only problem is that, if you hire an individual or a company to do your online branding for you, it can get quite costly. Of course, you always need to remember what you are getting. Since the branding of your company is important to its success, no cost is too high to get what you need.
Although your money will be well spent by having a professional develop your company a logo and maybe even develop you an online branding plan, you may not have the money to spend. This does not mean that you cannot seek assistance with online branding. Instead of having someone do the work for you, you can do your own work, but with the help of a professional. This is done through online branding consulting. As you likely already know, consulting is when you receive advice, tips, or suggestions from a professional. Since you will be doing most of the work yourself, just with professional advice, you may find that online branding consulting is cheaper than paying a professional online brander to do the work for you.
In addition to saving yourself money, you will likely also be pleased with the results. When seeking professional assistance, through online branding consulting, you will likely receive updated and detailed suggestions and tips on how to effectively brand your online business, whether it be with the creation of a logo or improving the quality of service that you are offering to your customers. Although you will have to take the ideas, suggestions, and tips, you will find them enough to take the steps needed to effectively get the ball rolling with your online branding. It is also important to note that seeking online branding consulting is likely to save you time; it tends to eliminate the amount of branding research that you have to do yourself.
When seeking online branding consulting, you will find that you have a number of different options. There are individuals who specialize solely in online branding, but it may be a good idea to broaden your horizons, say by doing business with an internet marketing firm that specializes in SEO. Online branding is considered a part of internet marketing; therefore, one of these firms, such as SmokeDog.net, should not only be able to give you tips on branding, but also tips on improving the traffic that your website sees.

Branding is critical in establishing a strong position in the market. Your brand represents your business. How customers respond to it will make all the difference in your business. Creating an effective brand is a challenging task even for any company and one that requires the guidance of an expert. You cannot afford to treat your branding efforts lightly so it is essential for you to work with the right people that can help you develop the branding solution that will work best for your business.

You will find the advice you need from professional and reputable branding consultants. There are branding consultants who work independently but most often, they are associated with branding agencies. In todays digital world, possibly all branding agencies will have a website so if you do not know a branding agency, simply do an internet search and you will find a host of online branding consulting firms.

With a branding agency, you will get access to a pool of talented individuals in various field of expertise to include marketing, advertising, market research, languages, public relations, mass communications, graphic design, technology and etcetera. When looking at online branding consulting firms, check the background of the people that comprise the group to get a good idea of the firms capabilities.

Credible online branding consulting firms often lists their previous clients on their websites. You may contact these companies to get first hand opinion about how the firm works. Additionally, it is integral in your selection process to look at the firms portfolio. This is one of the best ways to judge the quality of their work. Many online branding consulting agencies offer case studies of their previous branding projects so you can review these to evaluate how effective their branding solutions are and if they can deliver the results that you demand.

Another good way to assess an online branding consulting firm is simply to look at their website. How do they present themselves? Does their website make an impact on you? What impression do you get from their imagery, their logo, their overall design? After reading their web copy, does it compel you to call them right away? You can tell a lot from the website if an online consulting firm has what it takes to create a strong brand. If they succeed to deliver their message to you that they are the best at what they do, then chances are they will be able to do the same for you.

It may be that several online branding consulting firms will catch your eye and all will seem to be good candidates. When you contact each firm, see how well you can communicate to them and how they respond to you. Trust your instincts. Choose a firm with people that makes you feel comfortable and at ease. After all, you will be working closely with them to grow your business so you need someone you can easily regard as a business partner.

 Directories help locate websites within specific or definite categories. The difference between search engines and directories is that, directories feature only vetted websites, sites that have a certain standard and contain information of substance.

One of the aims of using directories is to boost traffic. To achieve this, one must choose to be featured in large, organized directories like Yahoo, DMOZ, and LookSmart. These will drive highly targeted traffic to you site (subject specific), increase significantly the link popularity, and Google PageRank.

To maximize exposure:

• Find a category that is most relevant to your website. 

The category and subcategories must totally fit the subject of your site and its purpose. For example, if your site is health related business the site must feature under health and not business. Only then, will surfers seeking health related websites access yours. Do a keyword search that is relevant to your site on the directory. The directory will throw up categories relevant to the key words. Choose one which is suited in all aspects.

• Coin a title and description that will boost traffic not reduce it. 

The title must be "dead on." It should include the most important key word and if possible begin with a letter towards the beginning of the alphabet. And, the 15-25 word description should succinctly summarize the purpose or functions of your site. While being descriptive and informative, try and weave in as many keywords pertaining to your site as possible.

• Purchase keywords from one of the pay-per-click search engines or directories.

• Make the website search engine friendly.

• Pay attention to text and image content. Heavy images reduce search engine visibility.

• Use back links on appropriate directories and trade or business listings. Check out the back links used by competitors.

• Add new content regularly. This encourages visitors and search engine spiders to return. Make sure the content is keyword rich.

• Start and maintain a web log or blog. This can become an active way to boost traffic while simultaneously disseminating information.

• Market your website by printing its address on business cards, paper bags, packaging and so on. Distribute an e-zine or updates as newsletters regularly to customers and business associates.

• Consider paying search engines for improved listings and fast appraisal of your site.

• Direct content towards search engines by adopting cloaking technology.

• Run advertisements on related web sites and mailing lists.

• Adopt a reciprocal link program.

Maximize traffic by monitoring your traffic regularly. Analyze visitor movements and frequencies. Find out what is effective and what is redundant. Use cookies efficiently. Understand technology and use it to the maximum. Keep updated on new innovations and developments. Write down a workable website marketing strategy.

There are simple steps to victory: be different, make sure your website is refreshing and delivers what it promises; create a network of supporters; be honest in your business ventures; deliver on time at affordable costs; be a learner all your life, constantly innovate your website to keep stride with changing times; carve out an exclusive niche and diversify in directions that are relevant to your business module.

 You've got some content on your site. You are looking to get the word about your site out there. Getting a marked increase in web site traffic can be a challenging task for webmasters, especially aspiring webmasters. Internet traffic plays a huge role in determining the success of your web site.

Don't have enough traffic? Then you won't have enough opportunities for visitors to perform your most desired action. This action could range from getting your visitor to subscribe to your newsletter or to contact you for more information about your business.

So how do you get that increase in web site traffic you want? There are a variety of ways, both free and paid, to get more web site traffic. You could go about getting any type of traffic, but that wouldn't help much unless it was targeted. Targeted visitors are more valuable. Targeted visitors come to your site with the right frame of mind. They are hoping that your site will provide them with the information they are looking for.

1. Search engines

Search engines can provide an enormous increase in web site traffic. Search engine spiders can find you through their daily travels on the web. However, it doesn't hurt to manually submit your site to search engines. And if you want to increase the chances that you'll be found in search engine rankings, read up on search engine optimization.

2. Link exchanging

When you exchange links with relevant, non-competing sites, you add value to your web site. If your visitors can't find what they're looking for on
your web site, your links may help them. And if you have only high-quality links, you'll increase the chance that your visitors will come back to your web site.

3. Submit to directories

Submit to major directories like the Open Directory Project and Zeal so that your web site becomes more visible. Also submit to themed directories with topics relevant to your web site. Smaller directories may not be too beneficial in terms of web site traffic but they can give you more inbound links

4. Pay-per-click advertising

Pay-per-click advertising can help you get more web site traffic. Pay-per-click advertising is a popular form of advertising where you pay for an ad to be included in specific search engine results pages. It's easy to lose money with this type of advertising so get a guide. Pay-per-click advertising can deliver targeted traffic to your site as interested visitors click on your ad. Make your ad specific and bring them to a relevant page on your web site.

5. Submit articles

Write excellent articles about your web site's topic. Articles can increase your reputation and establish you as an expert in your field. Or they can shine a negative light on you if you submit total garbage. If your articles keep readers interested, then they may want to visit your site for more information.

6. Word of mouth

Tell everyone you know about your web site. If your web site is excellent or stands out from the crowd, the word will spread as more and more people hear about it. If it works, the effect can be huge. So do whatever you can to mention your site in your daily contact. For example, add an email signature to promote your web site.

7. Traffic exchange

You have to be careful with traffic exchanges. Some programs tend to be very untargeted as they simply show pages to members. However, there are programs that can bring in more targeted visitors. Some programs let you show ads so only visitors who are interested will come to your web site.

the Battle of Armageddon

Posted by Sholkan Achmad

Will history eventually disintegrate into a global holocaust of devastating chaos like many religious people say? Is the present situation in the Middle East that religious folks say are pointing at to give their claims weight? They are insisting that these events have been arranged specifically to forecast the day that Christ will rise up and walk the earth again at judgment. What makes this claim different then what they have asserted repeatedly in the passed?

It all goes back to what the Bible says about Armageddon. Armageddon is mentioned in the New Testament once, and that is in Revelation 16:16. The phrase ''Armageddon'' is often used metaphorically. This is in keeping with fictional stories that focuses on apocalyptic themes of the world ending. However, Revelation 16:16 is covered with allusions concerning the Old Testament. This is because the New Testament is largely rooted in the ideas and descriptions of Hebrew sacred writings.

Yet, writers have rewritten, tailored, and combined thought instead of quoting directly from the Old Testament. Why? It was necessary for writers to do this because they wanted to relate to an environment which would enable them to address themselves as they existed at that time. In taking liberally from the Old Testament imagery they were able to place a New Testament, first century relevance, viewpoint on them.

Many Asia Minor Christians are familiar with the Old Testament, but those of us who are not some explanations are in order. The word Armageddon comes from the word ''Harmageddon'' which means mountain or hill of Megiddo. Megiddo was a hill where many gory conflicts took place. A lot of Jewish scholars and interested persons of Hebrew history may know that the Megiddo and its surrounding area was a well-known field of war where quite a few unsuccessful military battles occurred. On this famous hill, Deborah and Barak defeated the Cannaanites, this is mentioned in Judges 5:19. Then there was Judges 7, where Gideon defeated the Midianites. Although, these battles are seen as accomplishments there are less positive images that center around Megiddo that have imprinted themselves on Israelite consciousness. An example, is in 2 Kings 9:27 where Ahaziah died on Megiddo after being pierced by Jehu's arrow, and in 2 Kings 23:29 where tragically good King Josiah was brought down at the hands of Pharaoh Necho. King Josiah death brought on an upsurge of communal grief by his fellow Jews that was recorded in Zechariah 12:11.

Megiddo, due to its far reaching past, has occupied a revered place in the minds of true believers. Megiddo holds a place of such importance in the minds of first century Jews and Christians. Consequently, near the end of the first century, ill-treated Christians of Asia Minor and their desire to overcome and endure painful persecutions was shown in the course of the battle being waged between Satan in the form of Imperial Rome and the power of God, the Messiah and the saints. In an earlier period, Christians needed hope of victory over their enemies. During our day and age Christians for the same thing but it won't be fulfilled in an end time battle of Armageddon but rather a spiritual battle. Encouragement was what Christians needed to remain sound in their faith, even while they were being battered by their fellow human beings.

Harmageddon in the book of Revelation added to their assurance as a reminder which symbolized victory. The book of Revelation being the message communicated that God will win. The assurance that they were looking for "must shortly come to pass," not two thousand years later. Revelation 1:1. Rest assured, there will be no ''Armageddon'' because the phrase is simply symbolic, and has no connection to the fantasy of a future world war.

 What if there were things you could start doing now that could help you to market more successfully in the future? Even if you didn't have your marketing act together over the past year. Well, there are.

(1) Review your past marketing activities and results

Take some time to review all of your marketing activities and try to understand which ones worked best. And when I say "worked best" I mean, which ones resulted in more clients, more customers, more sales, or more growth for your business?

Your goal each year should be to understand which marketing activities bring you more business and which ones do not, so you can concentrate on the activities that work, and delete the ones that do not. Even if you did not have an organized marketing plan, or marketing activities that you implemented consistently during the past year, if you are still in business today, then there must have been some form of marketing going on.

(2) Broaden your definition of marketing

Marketing isn't only things like running an advertisement, or sending out a direct mail piece. It's anything you do that puts your business, product or service in front of the prospects you are trying to sell to.

You may be surprised to realize you've been marketing more than you know!

Any time you talk to someone about your business, product or service, in person, at an event, over the phone, or through a brochure or some form of media, you are marketing. Any time you send someone an email or a thank you card from your business, you are marketing.

Be aware of any time you are communicating with current customers, or potential customers. Take the opportunity to make them aware of new products or services, special offers or programs, or even milestones or changes in your business.

Do you include your business card every time you mail a letter to a client or prospect? Do you have an email signature that includes your business name, your phone number, your email address, your website address and possibly even your tagline? You should. You are reminding people about your products and services and making it easy for them to find out more if they so choose.

If you truly believe that your products or services can enhance people's lives, then it should be easy to share the word at every opportunity. After all, if people don't know about you, they can't benefit. Put this way, it is almost a disservice to NOT market.

(3) See if you can track your sales to your marketing, either directly or indirectly

Take a look at the marketing you did do, taking into consideration all of the activities mentioned above. Can you directly or indirectly track any new or increased business to these activities? An example of direct tracking might be: You attended a networking event and someone you gave your business card to, contacted you or made a purchase.

An example of indirect tracking might be: You attended a networking event, and someone you gave your business card to, referred you to a friend, and that friend contacted you or made a purchase. For each marketing activity you did over the past year, ask yourself the following questions:

(a) Did I get any new clients, customers or increased sales as a direct result, or an indirect result, of this activity?

(b) If the answer is yes, quantify the result by asking yourself: How many new clients, customers or sales did it generate?

If you can't seem to track your past marketing activities, consider asking your current customers how they found out about you.

You could do a survey that includes a number of customer satisfaction questions, but also includes a question to determine how they found out about you.

If you have a handful of clients that you work closely with and you really don't know how they found you, pick up the phone and ask them.

At the end of this exercise, you will have a list of all of your marketing activities, and the results connected to each one.

(4) Separate those activities that resulted in business from those that did not

Are there any activities on your list that did not result in new or additional business? If you gave these activities a good opportunity to bring you business, then maybe it's time to consider dropping these activities and trying some new ones. After all, there is no sense continuing to spend money on marketing that has not proven to be effective for your business. Even if it has worked for someone else, it may not be a good marketing activity for you and your business.

(5) Use this information to plan your marketing for next year

Plan to spend more time, energy and/or money on those activities that brought you business and sales. These activities have proven themselves to be effective for your business, product or service. So odds are if you commit more to them, they will result in even more sales. And, if you really don't have any way to track your sales or new clients, don't beat yourself up. You are not alone. In fact, one of my biggest challenges as a marketing consultant has been to get my clients to track the effectiveness of their various marketing activities. Just make sure to remedy this now, once and for all. Commit to never implementing a marketing activity again without some way to track how effective it is.

(6) Set up a way to track all future marketing activities

Recognize the importance of tracking and make sure that you have a plan in place to track all of your future marketing activities. The simplest way to track is to simply ask each new customer where or how they found out about you. You may also want to consider including a code on any flyers or brochures that you distribute, and providing a reason for the customer to bring that flyer in when they come to make a purchase. Reasons to return the flyer could be to take advantage of a special offer, or to get a discount or free bonus gift.

You can also do this by phone or on the Internet if that is how your customers make purchases. Simply ask them to provide you with the code on the brochure or flyer that they are calling or ordering from. Make sure the code is specific to the location or group of people that you distributed the flyer to. If you are networking or speaking to a group and someone gives you their business card and agrees to receive your free report or e-newsletter, make sure you include a reference in your contact database of the event where you met them. For every marketing activity you do put a plan in place to help you track all them. Effective tracking is by far one of the easiest ways to improve your marketing effectiveness. And when you zero-in on what marketing activities are most effective for your business, you will be able to focus your efforts on only those activities, and will be able to spend less and get more as a result.